Even if you or some of your clients wish it were, SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it activity. However, in order for the project to be successful, all partners must be involved from starting to end. That implies that interaction is important. Having a plan in place for how you will interact with your clients during the engagement is a major element of SEO project management. A robust communication plan, in our experience dealing with customers, keeps projects on schedule. Furthermore, having regular interactions helps boost your brand. 

Also, Read SEO Me Internal Linking Kya Hai?


Here are eight communication tips that will help you build your customer engagement.

1- Launch Calls 

I can not speak highly enough about how important it is to have an effective launch call. Even if you already know what to do — and even if you have had several talks leading up to the client’s agreement — you still need the launch call. Everyone participating in the project learns about the scope of the task and what to expect. How frequently will you meet? What are the expected response timeframes for deliveries and approvals? This is your opportunity to lay out these procedural elements during the opening session.

Expectations are important to the success of any business. Before beginning work, the project team must know the client’s expectations and vice versa.

2- SEO Education

Training your clients on SEO is an excellent approach to maintaining the lines of communication open as you discuss the details of their projects. How would they know what questions to ask if they do not even know what a meta tag is? Speaking the same language is important, therefore ensure that all project participants get consistent training. Even if your clients are already well-versed in SEO, your training is still important since it supports your SEO methodology – no two SEO suppliers work in the same manner.

SEO training also helps customers become familiar with all aspects of your SEO services. They will understand, for example, that you are not simply waving a magic wand behind the scenes and *poof* rankings appear. Education increases the client’s potential value. Keeping your training different from your usual calls will help you to focus on the project task. Otherwise, you will spend more time explaining ideas than you expected on each touch-base call.

3- Status Calls

Standing meetings are disliked by some, yet they are necessary for project management. They do not have to be meaningless either. It is important for the project to have some structure and consistency, otherwise, it will break apart. Make sure you have an agenda ready to go for each meeting ahead of time so the customer knows what to expect on the call. Then take only as much time as you need. Make sure everyone’s issues or questions are addressed, and that their future actions are clearly defined. After the call, you may provide meeting notes so that everything is documented and everyone has a record.

4- One-Time Emails

Have you ever received an email from a service provider with a helpful message just because they believed it would be useful to you? Remember the impression it made? These small gestures may go a long way toward establishing your customer connections. Consider how you can stay in touch with your customer outside of your regularly planned appointments. Perhaps something happened in the SEO sector that is important to your customer. Or perhaps something in their sector occurred that could have an influence on their SEO. Send them a short email with the details, why it matters, and how it may affect them.

5- Internal Resources

Send it to your customer whenever you develop a helpful resource that they could find beneficial. Consider ebooks, seminars, films, or any other type of content marketing product. Sure, you could send an email to all of your clients with a link to the ebook you created. However, a more personal touch would be to send it along with a handwritten letter to choose clients who are dealing with the problem in the ebook.


6- Reporting on Progress

Your SEO reports are a more formal client-communications must-have. Make a plan for when and how you will report your progress. And make sure the client understands when to expect it. For instance, it may look like this. Frequently: Between conversations, keep the customer up to date on the status of agreed-upon tasks. Monthly: Create a report outlining the month’s progress. This is normally done in four-week sprints.  Quarterly: Create a report that shows quarterly successes and challenges, as well as quarter-over-quarter improvement. Project completion: Write a summary that contains an overview of the project’s wins, losses, and future actions. Yearly: Show year-end growth and year-over-year success if you have long-term clients.

7- Customer Feedback

Allow your SEO clients to provide feedback on how they believe the project is progressing, what is working, what is not, and how you can improve at some point during the engagement. Send out a survey to your clients and make their responses anonymous if you believe you will only get honest feedback if you do it anonymously. This is the NPS scoring format. You may do this at regular times during the engagement (preferred), or you can wait until the project is completed. What you learn from this feedback may be integrated into future customer encounters.

8- Your Website’s Blog

Make sure your clients are aware of your blog! Better better, when they initially engage, ask if you can add them to the subscriber list. It is not unusual for clients to never read your company blog and so lose out on this fantastic resource. Once they have subscribed, your blog posts act as a convenient touchpoint to help keep your business at the forefront. As a result, make this a resource that you are sure your clients are aware of.

Are you looking for a reliable Digital Marketing Agency in Prayagraj that can help you achieve your goals? Westonik is here to provide you with dependable and reliable digital marketing services that boost your profits. With the best digital marketing agency in Prayagraji, bring your marketing and business concepts to life and turn them into a profitable increasing result. Let us grow together. For more details, contact us!